Demystifying Machine Learning and AI in Multifamily Marketing Analytics

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Generated: 9/8/2021
Demystifying Machine Learning and AI in Multifamily Marketing Analytics

In this post I’d like to introduce the new website, which is the brainchild of one of our industry’s pioneers – Chris Haughton, a Partner at DataXu. Chris began his career on the sales side of technology for major consumer brands, including McDonald’s, PepsiCo and Kraft Foods. He then moved on to consult to multi-nationals like Google, eBay and Coca-Cola, before opening his own Digital Marketing services consultancy.

Chris’s recent efforts to turn into a portal for our industry are a fantastic example of what analytics is and how it will change the way we do business for the better.

The new website features an initial section that is all about Data, with a section on Machine Learning and AI right below.

This section of the website is the brainchild of Chris. Chris has spent the last few months building this section, as well as taking it over and building the rest of the website, and I am so proud of what he’s accomplished! I can’t wait to see what Chris will have in store for this website and what opportunities this will create for all of us in the analytics community.

It’s always interesting to get feedback on how to improve, so please click around the website, and let us know what you think by emailing me directly at

This Blog Post Explains How and Why Analytics Is Changing

In early 2016, I sat down with my old friend and colleague, Chris Haughton, and had a chat about where analytics is going. We agreed that we had to get some fresh ideas, new approaches and different perspectives into the community. It was now or never time to get off our butts and start building a website to better serve our community.

I knew we’d need to change the way we thought about analytics, and the way we structured all our content, so I asked Chris if he would be willing to share his thoughts on this new vision for analytics. Chris has always been a passionate, passionate and very generous person, and agreed to share with us his thoughts. Chris will soon be leaving DataXu and will bring the website to a close. Chris has spent the last few months pouring through all the analytics content that had been created and developed over the past 20 years to come up with a new chapter for analytics – but I think this new chapter will be one we will all be proud to join.

I had a good look at the website and started to look for the topics that would interest and move the industry forward. As I dove deeper (without looking!) into each of the analytics categories – I began to notice one common thread amongst all analytics:

They’re not really about data! Rather, the content is so designed to make the audience, and the reader, feel excited and empowered.

I have some very good news for – as we enter the second year of this endeavor (I don’t know about YOU but that time feels like its going quickly by…), I have received positive feedback from Analytics Members who have told me that the site is working extremely well and that they are enjoying their monthly access to the content. They’ve noticed too that our blog posts are getting so much traffic that the Analytics Blog (which was just created) has now surpassed 20,000 page views since its creation in the first half of 2016.

What This Blog Post Explains

The following is a list of my own thoughts about, which has been my own and Chris’s vision from the start. Each of the posts below was created by Chris, but is designed so that the audience can easily find it on the website.

How Analytics Is Changing


The whole point of analytics is to make the analysis of data.

The new website is built around that idea. Rather than being about how to analyze data, it’s all about how analytics can change how we all live our lives, how we can make more of a difference in the world, how we can help our communities and improve our business.

Data comes from everywhere, but analytics is how we use the data in order to analyze data. Analytics is the engine that takes the raw data that we have in our databases and makes it all the more meaningful through the use of algorithms and statistical models.

This move to analytics is an evolution. Not only has it become an integral part of the overall analytics strategy, it has also begun to become the foundation that is used to make all our analytics work. Rather than being about the numbers, it’s about the relationships – and the data – that is the basis for the analytics results.

Why is this important?

How many times have you bought a product or service based on a review of what your competitors say about theirs?

The reason this works is that data is a relationship, and analytics is the way we analyze the relationship. The data is the foundation, and the analytics are the models and techniques we use to create this foundation.

Analytics is also changing the way in which data is viewed. For example, before analytics, our focus was on the numbers. This was important because the numbers represent value – but with analytics we view data as a human being (or more specifically you and me). There’s a story behind the numbers and I will continue to present that story in upcoming blog posts.

This is important so that you and I can understand what the numbers are reporting, but that doesn’t answer the question – why do we need to know the numbers?

This becomes more and more critical when looking at data which affects every aspect of our lives. The reason I feel the need to continue to report this story is that it’s becoming clearer that there are very few companies left in our industry that are truly able to tell this story, and it is becoming increasingly clear that these companies only care about what the numbers tell them (or the numbers tell them) and not what the numbers mean to the people who use and live with the people who have those numbers.

By focusing on why we need meaningful data, we’re able to build meaningful analytics and build systems that are capable of making those numbers relevant to the people who really have the power and voice in how things are conducted.

Where analytics takes us

The new website is an expression of this broader concept. That’s why it’s called “Data”, and not “Analytics”, “Data Modeling”, or “Data Strategy”.

Analytics is the tool used to drive data into meaningful analytics and make those meaningful data analytics.

The website builds the foundation for analytics. It’s the foundation that holds our data together and creates the analytics that matter and allows us to move forward.

It’s the new foundation as we now make analytics part of our everyday lives. It’s not something that’s a nice side effect of the analytics process but a way that we use analytics to bring the analytics process into our everyday lives. The new website is about this – to bring analytics into our everyday lives. It’s about making the analytics we currently use – such as email marketing – part of the lives of the people who use that data and create analytics that really matter.

Machine Learning / AI

The website has a section devoted to Machine Learning and AI. It will grow to over 1000 pages as we enter the second year (with Chris’s help).

Machine learning, or Data Ensemble, has been called the next revolution in digital marketing. It’s about making better decisions with fewer variables. This means making better decisions with data that is more relevant to the user and the user’s life.

Machine learning can be used with every marketing channel, which means that when you combine data from different marketing channels, you end up with more meaningful insights than you would with a single channel. In a world with so much data, the question is not whether you’ll use machine learning, but when.

Why is this important?

Data Ensemble is about bringing data together and making the insights from all that data more meaningful. This means the insights from every marketing channel should be more meaningful to the user.

The problem is that there are a finite number of marketing channels. This is a common challenge for some very successful marketing teams around the world.

The data is changing and will continue to change. The reason why today’s marketing is so much more effective than a few years ago is that today’s marketing channels are becoming more and more relevant and meaningful to the user.

For example, today many marketers, in some cases, are no longer worried about the last click. This is because today’s users are really more concerned about the last click and who they’re interacting with the last click with. That means if every marketing channel were more relevant, more focused and more meaningful to the user, marketing campaigns would be more focused and be more effective.

This is the goal of Data Ensemble.

Machine learning and AI is the engine that enables the website to become relevant to the people who use it and live their lives with it.

There are so many ways in which we can use machine learning and AI to bring analytics into our everyday lives, to make analytics more meaningful for the people who create it.

Garett MacGowan

© Copyright 2023 Garett MacGowan. Design Inspiration