Machine Learning Market Size [2022-2029] Worth USD 209.91 ...

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Machine Learning Market Size [2022-2029] Worth USD 209.91 ...

Machine learning (ML) is driving change at every stage of the business lifecycle, whether in traditional or emerging markets and with every organisation size or type.

In the next five to ten years alone, machine learning will transform every aspect of business. So if you are involved in any way with analytics, analytics platforms, data science, information and data management, or if you are a business professional with knowledge of analytics and want to make sure you stay one step ahead, this report offers the most up-to-date survey and research information about machine learning available anywhere.

The 2018 State of the Machine Learning Revolution report delivers a detailed forecast for machine learning from 2018 and beyond. It also contains expert analysis of the trends, best practices, challenges, and opportunities driving machine learning in 2018 and beyond. It identifies where the market for machine learning is headed from 2018 to 2021 and beyond. The State of the Machine Learning Revolution report offers:

• Comprehensive market forecasts for 2022.• A detailed market analysis of the key trends driving the growth for machine learning in 2018 and beyond.• Expert forecasts for machine learning market growth in the most important industries.• Detailed analysis of the competitive landscape and the opportunity for growth or contraction for each key player in the market.

Machine learning is in fact everywhere and is driving change at every stage of the business lifecycle. Whether you run a business today or intend to do so some time in the future and everything in between, this report offers a detailed analysis of machine learning and its impact on you, the reader and the business you are associated with.

This report should be a starting point and guide and provides a detailed overview of:

• The state of the machine learning revolution and where the industry is headed, what are the challenges, how do machines compare with humans?• How should businesses think about implementing machine learning? What does it take to do it and why does it matter? What are the right tools, techniques and technologies that help?• How does the customer experience improve? What are the risks? Who do I partner with? What’s all this privacy stuff I keep hearing about?• How are humans transforming themselves as their brains connect with computers in every industry and profession.• The opportunities that await. How are machine learning systems transforming enterprise economics? Who will win and who will lose?• What are ‘The Four Phases of Machine Learning’ and what do they mean for machine learning today?

We have updated this market research publication and published our second edition of the State of the Machine Learning Revolution report as the world’s leading experts at Cambridge Technology Ventures have conducted an in-depth analysis of the market. The State of the Machine Learning Revolution report will help you ensure that the opportunities for machine learning are not wasted.

Machine learning (ML) is driving change at every stage of the enterprise lifecycle, whether in traditional or emerging markets and regardless of the type of business. In the next five to ten years alone, machine learning will transform every aspect of business. This report offers a detailed forecast for the global Machine Learning Revolution from 2018 and beyond. The report also contains expert analysis of the trends, best practices, challenges, and opportunities driving machine learning in 2018 and beyond. The report offers:

Our 2018 Machine Learning Revolution report provides a detailed forecast for machine learning until 2021. This includes analysis of machine learning’s impact on business – why it’s necessary and where it’s headed – with forecasts both for new and existing customers. We’ve also outlined the opportunities that machine learning will create for companies today, and where they may be going tomorrow.

Our report is structured to deliver four key results that make the following clear:

• The state of machine learning in 2018 and its future potential

• Where machine learning is headed in the near future

• Analysis of the major trends driving the growth for machine learning in 2018 and beyond

• Where you can position your company to grow, survive, and thrive in machine learning.

Our research report is an exciting read for any business leader, industry analyst, or technology decision maker eager to understand what the next trend will look like and to ensure that their organisation stays competitive.

This report examines the world market for Machine learning by company, by country, and also by manufacturing process. Market value and compound annual growth rate are calculated for five year periods. Forecasts to 2025 are included for both developing and developed markets. Other geographic breakdowns include Asia, Europe, and the Americas with the countries included being China, India, Japan, Korea, South Africa, Brazil, Mexico, UK, Germany, the USA, Canada, and France. In addition, the report includes a separate section on the market for machine learning and data platforms of $600MM+ in revenue. The final chapter of the report examines the market for machine learning by industry.

Research Objective

The purpose of the report is to provide an analysis of the machine learning market which has been extensively researched as of 2018.

Market Overview | Definition

The machine learning market grew at a very high rate of 16.74% until 2012. From 2013 to 2017 there has been a steady increase in the market, although at a much slower pace than between 2003 and 2010. This is due to several factors, the most significant of which are:

• The increasing adoption of new technologies such as quantum computing.• The increased adoption of new business models such as software as a service (S&aas).• The increasing adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT).• The increasing adoption of robotics.• The rising acceptance of data-driven decision making and automation.• The growth in digital transformation

Definitions of Machine Learning

• It is a type of Artificial Intelligence technology.• AI is machine intelligence. It is the use of computer programming to make computers think, work and learn like biological brains.• Machine learning is how the technology identifies patterns, builds models and trains systems.• Data science is the process of obtaining data and using mathematics and statistics to make new insights from data.• It refers to the use of data and statistics to help computers make sense out of the data they are collecting or are going to collect. It includes machine learning and predictive analytics.

Market Size | Definition

The market size definition of Machine Learning is based on where the majority of users of the technology are. It is based on three areas of activity: Training, Development, and Implementation.

Data Source and Methodology

Market data was gathered from a primary research trip to the US in the first half of 2018.

We conducted interviews with technology executives, technology experts, developers, machine learning researchers and business owners.

We were particularly interested in how industry leaders, vendors, developers and practitioners view the market size for Machine Learning, the market’s leading trends and where it is headed in the future.

Our primary research trip took place in the US, particularly in California and the Pacific Northwest.

Key Findings | Machine Learning Market Size

The total Machine Learning market is expected to grow from $209.91 million in 2018 to $418.53 million in 2023, growing at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 24.2 percent, according to forecasts from the Global Market Insights report.

The market share of machine learning vendors in 2018 is shown in Figure 1. Market share values for the top vendors are shown in Figure 5. Market forecasts for the top 25 vendors are provided in Figure 6, along with their respective market shares.

By application: In 2018 the machine learning market consisted of two types of segment:

• Deployment • Training.

The market forecasts for these application segments are provided in Figure 2.

By industry segment: The market for machine learning applications in 2018 was largely dominated by three industry segments, each of which had a share of at least 51 percent in the machine learning market for 2018:

• Finance and banking

• Manufacturing

• Retail & ecommerce.

These market segments are expected to continue their dominance into 2025, with the following application segments:

As shown in Figure 3, the largest markets for machine learning are the US, followed by China. The top 20 are listed in Figure 8, along with their respective share of the global machine learning markets in 2018.

• The top 10 markets are all the US, followed by China.

• The most prominent application segments in the US and China are shown in Figure 9 with the top 25 application segments in Appendix 1 listed by their approximate market size in 2018.

Machine learning is used extensively. From the machine learning report: “Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that deals with the creation of computers that can learn new skills by analyzing data. Machine learning is not a single technology but a set of tools, algorithms, techniques, and methods for building intelligent machines.”

Machine learning is used extensively in every application area, from Finance & Banking and Manufacturing to Retail and eCommerce.

The markets for technology and platform vendors for machine learning are growing at a CAGR of 17.2 percent between 2017 and 2025.

The Machine Learning and Data Platform market size is forecast to be $150.76 million in 2025. This represents a CAGR of 17.2 percent during the 2017–2025 forecast period.

Market Forecast | Machine Learning and Data Platform | The World Market for Machine Learning | Machine Learning Market Revenue by Sector, by Application and by Industry

Our research report is an exciting read for any business leader, industry analyst, or technology decision maker who wants to understand what Machine Learning is, the best practices, trends, challenges, and opportunities that the market offers and where it is headed in the future.

Garett MacGowan

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